AI Frontiers 2025: Driving the Next Revolution in Smart Manufacturing

September 10, 2025

At the AI Frontiers 2025 virtual event, we will bring together a global audience to explore the latest advancements and real-world applications of AI in transforming manufacturing processes.

Event Format: 60-minute panel discussions focused on IIoT & AI technologies applied in the Manufacturing Industry.
All tracks will be live (no pre-recorded sessions).

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, download our sponsorship packages or contact us at Also, you can leave a message at +1 949-427-0564 and we will call you back.

Our goals for 2025 event:

7-8 live sessions on Sep 10
2000+ registrants at the event
1000+ registrants per session
150-200 live attendees per session

We are targeting:

For the ICS
Discrete Manufacturing
Process Industries

Sample Panel Discussions

  • AI-Driven Adaptive Manufacturing: Real-Time Customization at Scale
  • AI-Augmented Human-Robot Collaboration: Enhancing Efficiency and Safety
  • Smart Material Handling: AI Solutions for Inventory and Logistics Optimization
  • AI in Zero-Defect Manufacturing: Achieving Perfection through Predictive Analytics
  • Next-Gen Edge AI: Revolutionizing On-Site Data Processing in Manufacturing
  • AI-Powered Cyber-Resilience: Protecting Smart Factories from Emerging Threats
  • Scaling Custom Applications in Manufacturing with No-Code Platforms
Please note that some of the topics listed may not be included in the final agenda, and additional topics may be added based on the proposals received.
As a sponsor, you have a chance to propose your topic and 4-5 bullet points you want to discuss during one of our panels, together with 3-5 other panelists or you can create your panel and bring some of your partners.

AI Frontiers 2025: Driving the Next Revolution in Smart Manufacturing will explore Real World uses cases of AI in manufacturing. Also, we will have a couple of panels focused on ICS cybersecurity.

FEATURED PARTNERS Past Sponsors for IIoT World Days