I was born in New York in 1971. After an academic experience at the University of Ferrara as contract Professor of satellite remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information System, i was one of the founders of one of the first spin-off companies of Ferrara’s University (Geotema, started 2004). In 2010 i started G-maps, in order to convey geospatial data and the innovative technology of augmented reality to mobile device users. The recent introduction of wearable technology devices (smartglass, smartwatch, etc) has encouraged my team to develop new approaches to the use of extended reality, (VR, AR, MR) particularly as simple interface to manage Industry 4.0/4th Industrial Revolution process, in support of industrial applications. In 2014 Wear Srl, a startup funded by Club Italia Investimenti 2 fund, Aruba Spa (Italian cloud provider), starts its activities. In 2019, i was co-founder and CTO of Museum-MIX, a startup focused in extended realiy for cultural heritage. In 2020 I was co-founder and CTO of Faentia Digital LTD, a startup based in London (UK), supporting the digital transformation of SME and Enterprises worldwide.