Bettina Rotermund

Bettina Rotermund

Head of Marketing & Sales
Country: Germany
Area of Interest: Industrial IoT


Bettina Rotermund is Global Head of Marketing & Sales Support of Siemens Advanta and with that responsible for building the business of the newly formed unit.

She is an expert with more than 20 years experience in business digitalization, development, strategy, marketing & sales and loves transforming traditional set-ups into future operations.
Prior joining Siemens she held various management roles at BMW, Sony and IBP and plays an active role in various talent development organizations such as GLOW!


Demystifying IoT implementation: the big 5 obstacles of getting started with IoT and how to overcome them

Industrial IoT is an ocean full of opportunities and those who implemented already show best results and fast scaling. 
But the majority is still cautious about implementing IoT as the fear the big 5 of IoT

  1. Will it pay off? (ROI)
  2. Will it deliver value? (Value Proposition)
  3. Is it too risky? (Cybersecurity)
  4. How to manage my assets? (Asset Management 4.0)
  5. Who is helping my organization through the transformation? (Change Management)

In this short session you will learn how to overcome the big 5 and start your own digital transformation.


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