Cross-disciplinary leader with deep experience in technology development and deployment, operations management, competitive business intelligence, and marketing communications. Transformative manager that guides organizations through business model paradigm shifts. A strong results-based technical and business evangelist with a talent for innovative problem solving through integrated strategic, technical and fiscal business models. Passionate about the convergence of energy, lighting and transportation. Steadfast in the pursuit of targeted goals; extremely adept at effective interpersonal communications, technical writing, and training and educational development initiatives. Possesses an exceptional network of high-level national and international lighting, energy and transportation ecosystem partners.
Professional Strengths
• High technology corporate strategist
• Energetic, passionate, and innovative leader
• Prudent financial manager
• Proactive, successful team builder
• New product launch expert
• Builder and nurturer of key relationships and partnerships
• Superior technical presentation skills
• Transforms businesses through paradigm shifts
• Passionate about mentoring others to reach their full potential
• Public relations and social media relations dynamo
Specialties: intelligent transportation systems, smart cities, connected vehicles, control networks, the systems engineering process (SEP), national standards
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