Ulrich Lang

Ulrich Lang


Country: United States
Area of Interest: ICS cybersecurity


Ulrich Lang | Co-Founder and CEO | ObjectSecurity LLC (Americas)

Ulrich received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory (Security Group) on conceptual aspects of middleware security in 2003 (sponsored by the UK Defence and Evaluation Research Agency (DERA), after having completed a Master’s Degree (M. Sc.) in Information Security with distinction from Royal Holloway College (University of London) in 1997.

On the management side, Ulrich has recently completed a Business Marketing Strategy course at the Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern University). Ulrich is a renowned thought leader in cybersecurity (incl. model-driven security, access control policy, and application platform security), big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and virtual/augmented reality. He is currently working on an intelligent big-data supply chain risk analytics solution, and numerous projects around policy automation and policy testing. He is on the Board of Directors of the Cloud Security Alliance (Silicon Valley Chapter) and is a technical expert witness. He is responsible for the development of the OpenPMF user interface, policy automation and testing features. Ulrich runs the U.S. office in sunny San Diego, CA.

Publications/Conferences: https://objectsecurity.com/publist


Automated ICS Vulnerability

We present the results of our ongoing government-funded R&D to develop an intelligent automated vulnerability assessor and penetration tester” (VAPT) for assessing cybersecurity of embedded/ICS systems. It intelligently automates software vulnerability assessment for embedded/ICS systems. The idea is to build a portable device that can be used to assess fielded ICS systems. Also it is supposed to be usable by non-experts.

For intelligent AI-driven action selection, the prototype includes an AI agent that learns over time and adapts a bit like a human vulnerability assessor or pen-tester, selecting the most promising sequence of actions.


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