IIoT World Manufacturing & Supply Chain Days

December 4-5, 2024

At this virtual event, we will be gathering a global audience to explore the most innovative real-world use cases of Edge & Cloud Computing, Analytics, AI, ML, and AR in Manufacturing and Supply Chain.

Event Format: 60-minute panel discussions focused on IIoT & AI technologies applied in the Industry 4.0, Manufacturing Industry and Supply Chain. All tracks will be live (no pre-recorded sessions).

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, download our sponsorship packages or contact us at info@iiot-world.com. Also, you can leave a message at +1 949-427-0564 and we will call you back.

Our goals for 2024 event:

10-12 live sessions on Dec 4-5
5000+ registrants at the event
1200+ registrants per session
200+ live attendees per session

We are targeting:

For the ICS
Discrete Manufacturing
Process Industries

Sample Panel Discussions

  • Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Integrating Legacy Systems with Modern Technologies
  • Future-Proofing Factories: Strategies for Adapting to Rapid Technological Change
  • Integrating IIoT and Edge Computing for Real-Time Supply Chain Optimization
  • Leveraging Digital Twins for End-to-End Supply Chain Transparency
  • The Future of Industrial Risk: How IIoT is Reshaping Manufacturing Insurance
  • Integrative Robotics: Blending Collaborative Robots with Human Workforces
  • Energy-Efficient Manufacturing: AI-Optimized Systems for Sustainable Operations
  • From Data Overload to Actionable Insights: Mastering Data Management in Manufacturing
  • Custom IIoT Solutions: Building vs. Buying for Manufacturing Needs
  • Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection in IIoT Environments
  • Cross-Domain Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Integrated IT and Operational Technology (OT) Systems

Future-Proofing Frontline Operations: Integrating Digital and Smart Solutions

Proposed topics for a track focused on the frontline workers only.
  • Digital Workflows: Streamlining Operations for Frontline Workers
  • Next-Gen Tools: Augmented Reality and Wearables for Enhanced Frontline Performance
  • Smart Safety Solutions: IIoT Platforms for Worker Health and Safety
Please note that some of the topics listed may not be included in the final agenda, and additional topics may be added based on the proposals received.

Also, because there is a considerable competition for the limited number of presentation opportunities, vendor presentations will be assigned as part of the sponsorship packages. End users, market research analysts, and media are welcome to apply and will be accepted to speak at no cost.
As a sponsor, you have a chance to propose your topic and 4-5 bullet points you want to discuss during one of our panels, together with 3-5 other panelists or you can create your panel and bring some of your partners.

IIoT World Manufacturing & Supply Chain Days will explore Real World uses cases of Edge Computing, Analytics, AI, ML, and AR. Also, we will have a couple of panels focused on ICS cybersecurity.

FEATURED PARTNERS Past Sponsors for IIoT World Days