Geoff Wylde leads IoT related research and projects at the World Economic Forum – the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. He manages the Forum’s pilot project “Accelerating Industrial IoT for Small and Medium Sized Businesses” which initially launched in Brazil in 2020 and is now successfully adopted in 5 more countries (and counting). He was lead author of the “State of the Connected World Report” recently published by the Forum at www.weforum.org/connectedworld
Prior to joining the Forum, Geoff was a Director in PwC’s strategy consulting business where he helped corporations and investors navigate technological and economic disruption around the world.
Emerging Use Cases and Market Structure in Industrial IoT
The COVID-19 Pandemic has accelerated change. Some of the emerging themes that the World Economic Forum has identified for Industrial IoT include:
- Shifting priority from efficiency to resiliency across industrial value chains
- Growing acceptance of “stakeholder capitalism” as businesses recognize they are increasingly expected by the public to help battle society’s collective challenges
- Rapidly changing social attitudes towards technology as more of us work remotely and rely on technology to keep us safe
I will share case studies to illustrate the above themes and discuss the implication on demand, emerging use cases and market structure in IIoT.
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