Joe Saunders
Joe Saunders is the founder and CEO of RunSafe Security, a pioneer in immunizing software without developer friction enabling the continuous delivery of runtime protected embedded systems, open source software, software containers, and cloud workloads.
He leads a team of former U.S. government cybersecurity specialists who know how attackers think about problems, how they weaponize attacks, and how they choose targets. Joe is on a personal mission to disrupt hacker economics by immunizing software.
Over his career, Joe has built and scaled technology into companies servicing both private sector and public sector security needs. Prior to forming RunSafe Security, Joe advised, invested, and supported multiple security, AI/ML, and data management companies, including Kaprica Security, Sovereign Intelligence, Analyze Corp, Thomson Reuters Special Services, and Distil Networks.
With Thomson Reuters Special Services, Joe helped law enforcement agencies identify national security threats, including the theft of intellectual property. Joe was also a member of the management team and VP, Business Development at TARGUSinfo, which was acquired by Neustar for $650M in 2011.
Joe is a frequently sought-after speaker and panelist and is regularly asked to author articles on cybersecurity issues. He is particularly interested in the intersection of technology, economics, and geopolitics, and spends time on the security of 5G, AI/ML, autonomous systems, IoT, supply chain, high value assets, and weapons programs.
Joe earned a BS degree in Mathematics from the University of Michigan, an MS in Predictive Analytics from Northwestern University, and an MBA in Finance from George Mason University where he was voted by the faculty as the Outstanding MBA Student from a 225-person graduating class. He is the founder of Children’s Voice International, a 501(c) 3 non-profit which provides scholarships for survivors of child trafficking.
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