Lou Zhang

Lou Zhang

Chief Data Scientist
Country: United States
Area of Interest: AI & Machine Learning


Lou has extensive experience with both the manufacturing industry and with developing predictive algorithms for time-series data.Prior to MachineMetrics, Lou conducted research with NIST.


State of the Industry - Discrete Manufacturing

With IoT coming to maturity and achieving market penetration, we have on our hands a whole new arsenal of data to drive decisions with. In an increasingly complex manufacturing environment, manufacturers are looking for any edge they can get to remain competitive in a heavily globalized economy. Over the last 3 years, MachineMetrics has collected data directly from the controls and sensors of thousands of machine tools. These machines span across
hundreds of companies in the United States, representing all kinds of machine tools in all types of industries. This data has been used in a “State of the Industry” report for the first time ever.
This presentation will review the findings that confirm the gut feelings of many in the manufacturing industry along with many  manufacturing behaviors and trends that have never before been reported.

  1. Understand the data collection process that MachineMetrics uses including how the data is anonymized, cleaned, and compiled before use in the report.

  2. Understand the story that the data in the report is telling about the industry compared to self-reported studies.

  3.  Uncover manufacturing trends that are confirming the gut feelings of manufacturers, globally.


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